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The Nine of Cups

Make a wish!


Wishes granted, prosperity.


Smugness or narcissism.

The Nine of Cups is sometimes called the “wish card.” It represents wisehs being granted, showing a happy person with nine full cups for whom prosperity abounds. This is a time to communicate, appreciate, and grow. Note that this is not the full fulfillment of the suit’s energy; one cup is missing. This card is not representative of total inner fulfillment, but of success in general.

When reversed, the Nine of Cups represents smugness or narcissism. The figure on the card has had his wish granted, but he is alone and smug. Are you the person on the card, or is it someone in your life? When reversed, the Nine of Cups says that smugness or narcissism is preventing you from getting your wish, whether that’s your own attitude or someone else’s. Remember that one cup is still missing, and don’t throw away your gains for vanity or overindulgence.