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The King of Cups

The King of Self-Control.


Self-control and moderation, with empathy and creativity.


A need for self-control.

Kings can represent influences or, more commonly, people. In both cases, this king inspires balanced emotion and decision-making.

As a person, the King of Cups is someone who has achieved balanced self-control and moderation, and combines it with empathy and creativity. This is the peacekeeper at your gathering who keeps everyone feeling emotionally balanced. The King of Cups is Cups energy in a societal context: vibes in a suit, moderated emotions like in the workplace. As an influence, the King encourages balanced emotions and decision-making.

When reversed, the King indicates a need for self-control. A person who usually exhibits the attributes of the King of Cups may be negatively influencing the querent, or someone might be exhibiting the qualities of the King of Cups on an especially bad day: bad tempers, or leaning towards dishonesty, vice, and addiction.