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The Knight of Cups

The Romantic


Romantic idealist; artistic, intuitive. Emotional times.


Overly romantic, moody, out-of-touch. Pushed reluctantly towards action.

Knights can represent people or, more commonly, influences. Whether a person or an influence, the Knight of Wands inspires you towards emotion.

As a person, the Knight is a romantic idealist. This person feels things very deeply. Artistic and intuitive, this knight can get moody. They have high potential, but are hesitant about taking action. As an influence, this card indicates that you are having a Knight of Cups moment and are deep in your feels.

When reversed, the Knight of Cups might be someone negatively influencing you who has the qualities of this kind of person. It could also mean someone who has the qualities of a Knight of Cups on a very bad day: overly romantic, moody, and out-of-touch. It might also mean being pushed towards action, while being unwilling or hesitant to act. Recognize that your emotions are dominant right now, and try to ground yourself.