The Page of Cups

The Dreamer
Pages can represent people or, more commonly, influences. Whether a person or an influence, the Page of Cups is the bringer of vibes.
As a person, the Page of Cups is imaginative. This is an intuitive person who is a dreamer, full of creativity and youthful energy. This is the creative young person at your family gathering that fills your experience with joy.
As an influence, the Page of Cups represents a flash of insight or intuition, feeling young at heart, exhibiting open inspiration and creativity. It is all about initial actions taken as a result of vibes and intuition.
When reversed, the Page of Cups might be someone negatively influencing you who has the qualities of this kind of person. It might also more generally mean being washed away by fantasy or being impulse— the kinds of things that plague the Page of Wands when they’re having an especially bad day. Immaturity, seeking attention, being selfish, or indulging too much might be a problem when the Page is reversed.