The Queen of Cups

Momma, ooOOOOooo…
Queens can represent influences or, more commonly, people. Either way, the Queen inspires you to give emotionally, engaging in love and happiness, and following your heart.
As a person, the Queen is a loving caretaker, mature with a depth of emotion or emotional experiences. This person treasures their connections. They believe in love and following your heart, and they walk the walk. This is the caretaker that fills your family gathering with genuine positive feelings. As an influence, the Queen of Cups creates space for you to share yourself emotionally, be loving and giving, and follow your heart.
When reversed, the Queen might be someone negatively influencing you who has the qualities or role of this kind of person. A mother-figure may be causing a problem for you. The Reversed Queen also takes on more negative qualities: she turns manipulative and obsessive, her gentle gaze towards the cup transforming into an emotional fixation.