18. The Moon

What is even going on here?
What is even going on in this picture? Two wolves howl at the moon while a crayfish climbs out of the water and a long path snakes into the mountains between two obelisks. This image is like a weird dream, and unsurprisingly, The Moon is about dreams.*
More specifically, The Moon concerns intuition and the subconscious and potential turbulence within. Are you having trouble processing your inner self? Are you having crazy dreams? What is beneath the surface of your mind that might need to emerge? The Moon signifies a time when it is important to trust your intuition. Explore your feelings, dreams, and subconscious, and determine what the real causes of turmoil are. The Moon is about the emergence of the inner self; just like the crayfish crawling out of the pond, so must your inner crustacean emerge.**
When reversed, the chaos of The Moon dominantes. It represents confusion and underscores that inner turmoil. It can also mean that you are constantly feeling unbalanced as things shift beneath you; perhaps within your mind you feel inconstant emotions and wild tides. The Moon reversed can also indicate avoidance, that you are ignoring signals from your inner self. In all cases, The Moon reversed calls you to explore your inner world. Be the crayfish! See what’s in that water! And in the meantime, try to regain stability by exhibiting it.
*There are a lot of interpretations of The Moon’s imagery, which I won’t go over here, but check out other resources to see what it’s all about.
**There, we did a little of it.