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7. The Chariot

Moving right along…


Victory and motion.


Wrong direction or out of control.

Element: Water

When you draw The Chariot, you are in for a ride. You may be charging forward to victory.

In The Chariot, a charioteer pulled by two sphynxes rolls away from a castle with wheels that look almost like waterfalls. This is a card of motion and victory. The charioteer is triumphant and blazing forward. He is in balance, and it is unclear whether he or the mysterious sphynxes are in charge of the direction of the vehicle. Like The High Priestess, he sits between the light and the dark. This is perhaps someone in the same meditative state, but while the Priestess is seated with the water pooling at her feet, this water card is flowing forwards in a rushing stream. The person on this card is in the flow state of constant motion, simultaneously driving forward and letting the water carry them.

When reversed, the motion of The Chariot is misdirected. You may be flowing forward in the wrong direction, or the horses on your metaphorical chariot may be running out of control. Whether you’re on the wrong path, or you’ve lost control of your cart, your determination is no longer working. Whipping the horses more won’t help. It’s time to reconsider your approach.