Introduction (Major Arcana)
The Major Arcana are the best known cards in the Tarot, and arguably the most important. Some practitioners tend to center their readings around cards of the Major Arcana, either by laying down one of these cards and drawing others around it, or by focusing on any cards of the Major Arcana that appear. In the game of Tarot, these cards are trump cards. They have the power to change the game.
The Story of the Major Arcana
There are varying takes on the Major Arcana. Some say it is a story of a journey, our primordial journey, our journey to spiritual fulfillment, or the journey of The Fool (0), all of which may be one and the same. The story begins with The Fool (0) and ends in The World (21). Some practitioners arrange the “arcs” of the Major Arcana by dividing them into three groups of seven, with The Fool (0) off to the side:
First Set | Second Set | Third Set | |
0. The Fool | 1. The Magician | 8. Strength | 15. The Devil |
2. The High Priestess | 9. The Hermit | 16. The Tower | |
3. The Empress | 10. The Wheel of Fortune | 17. The Star | |
4. The Emperor | 11. Justice | 18. The Moon | |
5. The Hierophant | 12. The Hanged Man | 19. The Sun | |
6. The Lovers | 13. Death | 20. Judgment | |
7. The Chariot | 14. Temperance | 21. The World |
Once you have a sense of the cards, it can be a good exercise to lay the cards out in this arrangement and look at the similarities in the symbolism and meanings of the cards.
The Energies of the Major Arcana
The cards of the Major Arcana have energies associated with them. Just as each suit of the Minor Arcana has an associated elemental energy, so the Major Arcana has elements associated with each card.
# | Card | Energy |
0 | The Fool | Air |
1 | The Magician | Air or Earth* |
2 | The High Priestess | Water |
3 | The Empress | Earth |
4 | The Emperor | Fire |
5 | The Hierophant | Earth |
6 | The Lovers | Air |
7 | The Chariot | Water |
8 | Strength | Fire |
9 | The Hermit | Earth |
10 | The Wheel of Fortune | Fire |
11 | Justice | Air |
12 | The Hanged Man | Water |
13 | Death | Water |
14 | Temperance | Fire |
15 | The Devil | Earth |
16 | The Tower | Fire |
17 | The Star | Air |
18 | The Moon | Water |
19 | The Sun | Fire |
20 | Judgment | Fire or Water** |
21 | The World | Earth |
Fire (Inspiration, Creativity, Will, and Action)
- The Emperor (4)
- Strength (8)
- The Wheel of Fortune (10)
- Temperance (14)
- The Tower (16)
- The Sun (19)
- Judgment** (20)
Water (Emotion, Intuition, and Spirituality)
- The High Priestess (2)
- The Chariot (7)
- The Hanged Man (12)
- Death (13)
- The Moon (18)
- Judgment** (20)
Air (Clarity of thought, Decisions, Conflict)
- The Fool (0)
- The Magician* (1)
- The Lovers (6)
- Justice (11)
- The Star (17)
Earth (Stability, Material Things, Earthly Experiences)
- The Magician* (1)
- The Empress (3)
- The Hierophant (5)
- The Hermit (9)
- The Devil (15)
- The World (21)
*Benebell Wen’s book argues that the Magician has an Earth energy, while Liz Dean suggests Air.
** Benebell Wen’s book suggests Fire or Water, while Liz Dean suggests Fire alone.
Knowing these elements can be helpful both for understanding the energy of the card and for interpreting readings where different energies may be dominant or conflicting.
Learning the Major Arcana
Each card in the Major Arcana has its own energy, its own story, and its own general vibe. There are some great books with a lot of detail on the symbolism of the Major Arcana, and this is not one of them. This site contains shorthand and basic interpretation of the cards to get you started quickly. Spend some time with each of the cards to get a sense of what you think of them, and how they manifest in your own life. And, if you like, pick up one of these great books for more details:
- Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen
- The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean
- Wild Card by Jen Cownie and Fiona Lensvelt
- 78 Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack