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The Ace of Pentacles

The first seed.


Wealth and earthly joys; material gain.


Unfulfilling gians or corruption.

The Suit of Pentacles is the suit of stuff. You need stuff to make stuff. This suit involves produciton and fulfillment that depends on the first seed, which often comes from and begets a place of shelter.

The Ace of Pentacles is the card of that first seed. It indicates wealth and earthly joys. It is concerned with material gifts that beget further material gain. This is the card of a metaphorical productive garden, and indeed there’s a beautiful garden pictured on the card.

When reversed, the gains of the Ace turn sour. We see unfulfilling gains or the corruption that results from material wealth. It can also mean leaving the shelter of the garden to attempt to strike out on our own, and not always being successful.