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The Knight of Pentacles

Boring, and fine with it.


Hard work, stability. Slow and steady.


Stagnation, old routines, a need to reassess.

Knights can represent people, or more commonly, influences. In both cases, the Knight of Pentacles heralds a slow and steady approach to hard work.

As a person, the Knight is someone who embodies the value of hard work. This person is boring, and fine with it. They take measured, methodical appraoches to hard work. They are stable in their approach and in their outcomes. As an influence, the Knight means getting through the boring stuff and doing the plodding, hard work in order to receive ultimate growth and reward.

When reversed, the Knight may represent someone with the above qualities who is negatively influencing the querent. It generally indicates stagnation or idleness, and continuing old routines. It may represent clinging to old identities or habits even when the circumstances have changed. The message here is to avoid complacency; ensure that you correctly assess the situation, and take action.