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The Page of Pentacles

I’m gonna invest that.


A focused, determined, youthful person. Opportunities for management and detail.


Nepo baby behavior. Unwelcome news.

Pages can represent people, or more commonly, influences. In either case, the Page of Pentacles brings focus in the context of the material world.

As a person, this page is focused, determined, and youthful, very enthusiastic about the work and perhaps more focused on the work than the rewards. This is the young person at the company who may grow up to one day run the company. The page might also be a bit of a nepo baby who invests their privilege instead of resting on it. As an influence, the Page brings opportunities to manage projects. It’s important to channel the Page’s focus in these moments and pay attention to the little details.

When reversed, the Page can represent someone with the above qualities who has a negative influence on the querent. It can also indicate that someone is acting like the Page of Pentacles on a particularly bad day— like a nepo baby, entitled, profligate, wasteful, and materialistic. As an influence, the reversed page can also be a harbinger of unwelcome news.