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The Queen of Pentacles

It is a truth universally acknowledged…


A societally embedded, supportive, stylish person. Incoming resources or support.


Passivity, dependence, lacking confidence, misuse of resources.

Queens can represent influences, or more commonly, people. In both cases, the Queen of Pentacles represents material support and generosity.

As a person, the Queen is a societally embedded, self-aware person who is generous and supportive. This is a society person, aware of the material world and using it. They may be stylish or otherwise smart in the application of their resources. They know how to navigate society, even and especially in its material parts. As an influence, the Queen means good things are coming to you. You may receive the support of a Queen in your life.

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles may represent someone with the above qualities who has a negative impact on the querent. More generally, the reversed Queen means that someone (maybe you) is exhibiting qualities of the Queen on a particularly bad day: passivity, dependence, a lack of confidence, and misuse of resources. You may be spending emotionally or selfishly, rather than wisely and with an eye to society like a good Queen of Pentacles would.