The Five of Swords

Well, this is unfair.
The Five of Swords indicates battle and loss, especially with a person in a systematically powerful position. The victor (shown in the foreground) is in a position of privilege, or placed high in an organizational structure. Others who may be walking away from the fight are disadvantaged by comparison.
This is a relatable situation that we see pretty regularly. Are you the victor in this image, or the loser? Note that if you are the loser in this rigged fight, you are not walking away alone. There is also a theme in this card of knowing the right time to walk away. If you are the victor, what were the cirumstances of your victory, and what was the cost?
When reversed, the loss aspect of this card is dominant. It underscores the need to know when to walk away. Alternatively, it can mean pennance for bad actions.