The Seven of Swords

The playful thief.
Here we have a thief, but a playful one. His expression isn’t malicious. He is looking over his shoulder as he runs away with five swords. Will he get away with this?
The Seven of Swords is a card of impulsivity and potential deception. You or someone in your life may be trying to get away with something. Like the thief, you may not have extreme ill-intent, but you may be attention-seeking or overly ambitious. This card indicates schemes, but not productive ones. Five swords have been taken, but two were left behind.
When reversed, the scheme has not gone in your favor. If you’re the thief, you’ve been caught. If the theif is someone else, perhaps they’ve successfully taken advantage of you. Note that the two swords left behind. If you’ve been taken advantage of, how will you use your remaining resources to swing things in your favor? If you’re the thief, look to what you may be leaving behind, or what you may be putting at risk for this gambit.