The Page of Swords

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Pages can represent people, or more commonly, influences. In either case, the Page of Swords is a fount of information and curiosity.
As a person, the Page of Swords is witty and intelligent, curious and open. They represent that Swords energy of clarity of thought when placed in the context of youth, early intellectual journeys, or junior-level positions: the biggest attribute is curiosity. This is not a curiosity that necessarily participates, but an intellectual curiosity; the Page can tend to be judgmental, or too much of a spectator. As an influence, the Page represents the arrival of useful information.
When reversed, the Page may represent someone with Page-like qualities who is negatively influencing the querent. It can also mean you or someone you know are acting like the Page on an especially bad day: judgmental and gossipy, letting other people’s judgments get in the way of your own actions. It can also mean the arrival of bad or mistimed information.