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The Queen of Swords

That wise introvert who gets you.


Experienced, wise, high EQ, aloof. Brings perspective.


Elitism, narrow-mindedness, too much ambition.

Queens can represent influences, or more commonly, people. In both cases, the Queen of Swords represents a kind of wisdom informed by an understanding of people and situations.

As a person, the Queen is an experienced, ambitious, wise person with high emotional intelligence. This person may be aloof despite (or perhaps because of) their good understanding of people. This person can be contraversial and is not necessarily conventional. As an influence, the Queen brings wisdom, perspective, and a sense of the bigger picture.

When reversed, the Queen may represent someone with these qualities who is negatively influencing the querent. It may also indicate someone who is acting like the Queen on a particularly bad day: elitist, narrow-minded, and overly ambitious. The influence of the reversed Queen may cause you to act bitter about humanity, and feel like you’re above it.