The Three of Wands

The calm before the storm
Here we have someone standing at the edge of their enterprise, watching their ships come in. This is the calm before the storm— and by storm, we don’t necessarily mean bad stuff and chaos. This is the moment when things are going well, and there’s a lull just before stuff is about to really pick up. Those ships are coming in— whether they’re carrying good cargo, you’re about to be really busy, so now is the time to plan. Remember while you’re planning that you’re not solely in control of the outcomes; a lot of factors determine what those ships hold and if they make it to shore.
When reversed, the need for planning becomes more urgent because the water is stormier and more unpredictable. This may be the stormy water of your environment, or of your mind. Still, the card is overall one that features a successful person and a good start on your journey. Whether the news is good or bad, your ships are coming in.