The Four of Wands

Celebration and Reward
In this card, we see figures emerging from a castle into a place of celebration. You are a part of that group— you are stepping out of a place of work or defense and moving to a place of celebration, openness, and joy. This is the kind of happiness that puts down roots, like a relationshipo that ends in marriage, or a project that results in you becoming a pillar of your workplace or community. Even when reversed, this card is still good— the reward cannot be denied. The reversed four may mean that you are in a transitional moment, moving from the castle to the outside in a rite of passage. Or, it may mean that you are right where you need to be, even if you don’t see it right now.
In the range of “kinds of success” in the tarot, the Four of Wands has a more youthful energy. It is the kind of success experienced by a young family or couple, or an individual who is not yet at the peak of their field. Compare it to the Ten of Pentacles, which indicates more multigenerational success, or to the Ten of Cups, which comes with a grander sense of fulfillment and completion.