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The Nine of Wands



Defense of hard-won gains.


Adversity and opposition.

This is a card about defense. We see someone standing in front of a fence of wands, leaning a wand for protection or defense. This person has made incredible gains, but at the cost of their own health; they are bandaged and leaning on their wand for support.

When you draw the Nine of Wands, it speaks to how you have fought hard and gained ground, whether that is a physical, creative, psychological, or other kind of gain. Now, you need to take stock of it and defend it. What is the right plan, and the right balance? Where are the threats? Are you whole enough to cover the gaps in your fence? The gains are hard won and rightfully yours, and you are in a position where you’re asked to protect them.

When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it indicates that a defense has somehow failed. Someone (maybe you) is facing adversity and opposition towards what you have earned. Or someone (maybe you) is violating boundaries. Either way, it may be time for a new approach.