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Introduction (Wands)

The Suit of Wands is associated with fire, inspiration, and action. Some practitioners focus more on the action-based meanings of the cards, others interpret the cards in the context of creativity or the workplace. We can connect all of the above if we think about the vibe of the suit. The Suit of Wands is a story about a spark of inspiration, and the fire it sets inside of us.

What is Wand Energy?

Element: Fire

If you’ve ever woken up with a great idea, or if you’ve ever met someone and felt like, “This is it,” you know the feeling. The same energy that inspires us at 3am burns into a sustained, warm feeling that motivates us. It can be the feeling that we’re working on something important, or the feeling that we’re doing the right thing, or that we’re with the right person. It is that passion that we must examine and potentially relight when we begin to question our course.

The Suit of Wands is all about turning points, and places where you ask, “Who am I?” and “What am I doing?” It asks questions about how you plan to keep the fire lit, and if you should let it go out. As the cards scale up, so does the amount of deep-burning energy that you need to meet the challenge.

Unfortunately for us, the energy of Wands isn’t held by us alone. It is energy that, in others, can inspire conflicting projects or actions that interfere with our plans. Depending on where the fire burns, it can mean trouble or joy for us.

Whether bringing inspiration or challenging it, the Suit of Wands reminds us to try to find that spark again and muster the warmth of sustained inspiration. That the energy and vitality that starts a new project is the same energy we need to muster during turning points and hardships as the project progresses.

The Numbered Cards

If wands have to do with action, inspiration, and fire, we can think of the story told in the numbered cards as a story of that energy growing, and growing out of control.

  • Ace-4: A spark fanned and grown into a community flame
    • Ace: The spark of inspiration
    • 2 and 3: Moments of pause and contemplation, with the energy contained only in yourself
    • 4: The reward of well-harnessed energy— spreading to other people, in a good way
  • 5-10: The fire burns increasingly out of our control
    • 5, 6, and 7: The energy is manifested in others, for better or for worse
    • 8: The fire is out of our control, and accelerates
    • 9 and 10: We attempt to control or harness the fire, but in vain.

The high point of the suit might be said to be the 4 of Wands, where we’ve achieved pinnacle happiness with this level of fire energy. From there, we start to burn out of control as others holding fire energy begin to clash with us (5, 6, and 7), events fly out of control (8). Ultimately, we attempt to guard and control the bonfire (9 and 10), but this is ineffective. All that remains is ash and figurative burnout.

The progression of the cards shows an increase in wand energy in the environment around us, but also an increase in the sustained passionate energy that we need to muster in order to overcome these challenges or celebrate these wins.

The Court

If the numbered cards of Wands are a story of challenges and a need for inspiration, the Court of Wands are the people who can bring that to you. These are people who help transmute Wand Energy into action or events. It’s no wonder that Wands are often associated with creative projects or offices, since these folks will most often be noticed in those locales.

  • Page: The youthful, creative person who brings ideas and inspires beginnings
  • Knight: The dynamic innovator who jumps in and inspires action
  • Queen: The magnetic socialite who encourages expression and inspires you socially
  • King: The experienced creative pro who inspires vision and attainment