The King of Wands

“If I can do it, you can do it.”
Kings can represent influences or, more commonly, people. This King is creativity in a suit, and invites you to creative actions in a structured environment.
An energetic, creative, well-traveled person, this King is self-motivated and honest with high integrity and high standards. This is someone who expects people to rise to the standards they set and be as competent as they are. On a bad day, they can be a bit of a bully, selfish and opinionated. They want to fight and can be intimidating, dogmatic, or prone to discipline. As an upright influence, though, the King of Wands wants you to express yourself, initiate, exhibit vision, and achieve.
When reversed, someone is displaying the negatives of a bad king: tyranny, narrow-mindedness, severity, or an intolerance for weakness.