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The Knight of Wands

Move Fast and Break Things


A creative, dynamic, action-oriented person, or a need to take action.


Delays and creative blocks, second-guessing actions.

Knights can represent people or, more commonly, influences. Whether a person or an influence, the Knight of Wands inspires you to take action.

As a person, the Knight is creative, dynamic, action-oriented, charismatic, and sexy. This person is charging headlong into battle, full of passion and fire. This person is creative: an innovator on a mission. They might go too fast or in too many directions at once, and they may have trouble finishing projects. Either way, they are inspiring, and make you want to charge along with them. As an influence, this card indicates that you should channel your inner Knight of Wands and take action.

When reversed, the Knight of Wands might be someone negatively influencing you who has the qualities of this kind of person. It could also mean someone who has the qualities of a Knight of Wands on a very bad day: egotistical, attention-seeking, oversensitive, and pessimistic. It might also more generally mean delays and creative blocks, second-guessing your actions, and general chaos. Try to channel the knight’s positives to return the balance.