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The Page of Wands

Let’s get it started in here


A young, adventurous, eager person; good news or new creative situations.


Delays and indecision, lack of follow-through.

Pages can represent people or, more commonly, influences. Whether a person or an influence, the Page of Wands inspires you to start things.

As a person, the Page is someone expressive and energetic, charismatic, full of vitality and eagerness. This person is easily bored and can be a bit overly theatric or react immaturely. This is sometimes characterized as a young adventurer whose ambitious outstrips their experience. I like to think of it as someone who rallies you to action and inspires you, especially the kind of person who did so in your youth. The kind of person who you stayed up with late, exchanging ideas for projects that neither of you would ever finish. This Page has ADHD, in a good way.

As an influence, the page represents good news or new creative situations— the things that this kind of person brings you in their best interactions. Be careful not to react impulsively (like a bad page); instead, check out all the details.

When reversed, the Page of Wands might be someone negatively influencing you who has the qualities of this kind of person. It might also more generally mean delays and indecision, fear, and blockage— the kinds of things that plague the Page of Wands when they’re having an especially bad day. Vulnerability, fragility, concentrating on toxic things, lack of follow-through, or big time distractibility might be a problem when the Page is reversed.